So​utheast High School
Alumni Association, Inc.​
So​utheast High School
Alumni Association, Inc.​
News & Events
News & Events
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Next Alumni Association Board Meeting
The next Southeast Alumni Association Board Meeting is October 10, 2024.
All Southeast alumni are welcome.
Southeast High School Alumni Association Board Meeting
Thursday, October 10, 6:00
Kansas City Public Library, Waldo Branch, Room B
201 East 75th Street, KCMO
Please join us!
Your Southeast High School Alumni Board
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At the end of each year, the alumni association president compiles a Year in Review for all alumni. Check out this year's letter to see what your alumni association did in 2023.
Thank you for supporting Southeast!
In a KCStar article published 10/13/21, KCPS stated that declining enrollment over the past decade has resulted in several schools that are significantly under capacity and unable to offer all of the extracurriculars, athletics and support services that schools with full enrollment are able to provide. The initial Blueprint 2030 recommendation was to close 10 schools over multiple years.
After receiving feedback from parents, alumni and other members of the community, a new recommendation was drafted. On Wednesday, January 25, 2023, the school board approved the following:
KCPS will continue operating 35 of 37 schools.
KCPS will close two schools, Longfellow Elementary and Troost Elementary, at the end of the current (2022-2023) school year.
KCPS will pursue a General Obligation Bond in Spring 2024.
KCPS will revisit additional facility recommendations after further engagement and a bond vote.
Thank you for staying informed about issues affecting Southeast High School.
Southeast High School Alumni Association, Inc.
Southeast High School Alumni Association, Inc.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Alumni Board Meetings
Alumni Board Meetings
Meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of the month, and all alumni are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The next alumni board meeting is October 10, 2024.
Southeast High School Alumni Association Board Meeting
Thursday, October 10, 6:00
Kansas City Public Library, Waldo Branch, Room B
201 East 75th Street, KCMO
Southeast Homecoming
Southeast Homecoming
Watch this space for future plans.
Red & Blue Ball
Red & Blue Ball
We regret to announce that the annual Red & Blue Ball
Fundraiser Sponsored by Southeast High School Alumni Association, Inc.​
has been canceled for 2024.
Watch this space for 2025 event information.
Until the​n, check out the photo carousel below from the 2019 event.
Please send us informatio​n about your upcoming reunions; we will be glad to post it on the website.
Senior Breakfast
Senior Breakfast
May 2025
Members of the Alumni Association will be present for this exciting event held at the school. This is when we plan to announce the Alumni Association Scholarship recipient for the Class of 2025.
Show Your Southeast Spirit!
Show Your Southeast Spirit!
XL for $15.00 each plus shipping.
Cups are $2.00 each plus shipping.
To order your very own shirt and/or cup contact