So​utheast High School
Alumni Association, Inc.​
So​utheast High School
Alumni Association, Inc.​

Class Shields & Crusaders
Class Shields & Crusaders
Class Shields and Crusaders
Class Shields and Crusaders
Each Southeast graduating class created a shield representing highlights from that year. For decades, these shields were displayed on the walls of the auditorium. We are proud to have most class shields and copies of Crusader yearbooks as part of the alumni association's collection. Images of the shields and Crusader covers for each class are displayed below.
Scroll down to select one of the seven decades from Southeast's history. Then, click on the right and left arrows to page through the images for individual classes.
For those wishing to browse individual Crusaders on your home computer, the Kansas City Library has digitized copies of many Crusaders. Go to kclibrary.org, and click on KCHistory under the Resources|Research tab. Select Digital Collections, and scroll down to Yearbooks.